This is the beginning of the string
written by: Wolfe

Anouncer: We interupt this normal message board stuff for a special announcement from the ongoing war, the Vagabond Uprising

*theme Music*
*Zoom in on David Rather(big CS news Person)*

David: We have a interupted your normal reading of the message board to give a breif up date on the war being waged against us as we speak. We go to our Feild reporter Sam T. Borg ( cyborg feild reporter)

* sound of gun fire*

David: Sammy can you hear me

Sam: I hear you david

David: Where are you sam?

Sam: I'm in the burbs, where several Vagabonds are attacking a Billy beer Ware house, * Explosion*, Oh my God!!! a Vagabond just too out a hell rasier.

David: damn!! Was that near your location?

Sam: about 200 feet north of my position, Several Dead Boys just Left the bunker, oh, my they were taken out by a Vagabond using some sort of Spoon, dear good.... the vagabonds are faster than juicers.....

*Explosion, feed from sam goes dead*

David: Sammy, Sammy..... I am getting reports that sam's location was taken out by a bombardment of the Area with Bombs,...
No need to worry sam's MD body protected him..... It seams the Government is attempting to stop the Vagabonds with all we have, I hope it is enough... Or God help us all!

* Screen goses Fuzzy*
*A man in raggy clothes and a nasty beard appears*

Man: I am Jim, general of the Vagabond armies, we have your city in our control, all government officals should give up.... that is all....

*screen goes fuzzy again, then Blank*

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