English /Huttese Dictionary
Spoken Word_________English Word________Line Cite
and--------------- Chona---------------16
Boy----------------- Boo-kee --------------------3,5
bounty-------------------- Boong --------------6,16
come---------------- Bas -----------------7
change------------------ Kee--------------- 16
do/can do/ done/ did--------------- Chees---------------- 13,3,4,11
droid -----------------------Droid --------------------13
fail--------------------- Ba------------------------- 5,6
fifteen-------------------- Eenteen-------------------- 6
five -------------------------Figh ------------------16
Fry--------------- Crispa--------------- 3
fear ----------------------Lee -----------------------16
fool ------------------Koong ------------------22
game Buh 25
Give Wanjee 9,13
heel Dracht
him/her Koos
inventive Loonung
is/has -a 3
isn’t/n’t -ay 4
if Ill
in Nooma
Jedi Jedimind Koon
My/I Ma
no/not ( negative suffix) Pah
out Nakma
on Ka
OK Ploon
percent Toh
surprise Oipa
a huttese curse (Holy Shit!) Oolyambwooba
take Manga
that Oon
the Doo
thirty Tunty
twenty Eenty
weak Mahlyass
will Koh
you Ya
young Oong
> English into Huttese | Jabba's Lines