I would like to say thanks to all gamers out there. Keep Rollin'. This is perhaps the slowest growing of all the albums but it will continue to grow. Especially now that Lyle has handed oper his 40K Ork ballad!
This album is also the only one dedicated to all gaming, not just Vampire: the Masquerade or Star Wars.
I'd also like to thanks Stephen and Tony for not getting upset when I wrote Bots, Enter SAMAS, and Higher Umbra before they got around to it. Hopefully one of them'll get something finished before I do and I'll be able to post it.
Tom Munkres
However, along those lines, I have this to share. Several different game sessions have involved the modification of Afro Man's song "Because I Got High" into a gamer's version called "I Couldn't Roll High." Generally one or two verses will come about and everyone who hears it will giggle and we'll move on. Not this time. We actually managed to come up with 5 or 6 verses to it at the L5R game yesterday, and we probably wasted a good half hour or so just coming up with and writing down these pieces of loveliness.
Lyle Clingman Jr.
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Notice to REALLY stupid people:
Just to let everyone know that the Rifts and Palladium settings belong to KevinSiembieda and the PalladiumBooks company, Star Wars things belong to George Lucas, and the Vampire settings belong to the White Wolf company, any idea's, character's, etc. belong to me. Any attempt to use these char's for money or self promotion will give I, White Wolf, and the PalladiumBooks company every right to not only sue you but to hunt you down and destory or torture you in the most painful ways imaginable...if such a thing doesn't apply to you then nevermind. That being said thank you for visiting and have a nice day ;)